How to hack?
1. install NortonSymbianHackLDD.sis from hack archive
2. Launch
3. Go Options- Anti-Virus - Quarantine list
4. Go Options - Restore All, accept prompt
5. Exit application, delete from App manager (Symantec Symbian Hack). Also delete c:\shared\ folder.
6. Install RomPatcherPlus_3.1.sisx from hack archive
7. Launch and apply patches:
- Open4all for full access to file system
- Installserver for installing any unsigned applications (if you see a red cross on install server patch in Rom Patcher - get installserver.exe from here and enable OPEN4ALL patch from ROM Patcher then move installserver.exe to C:/Sys/Bin via X-plore.)
Set patches to auto if needed (Options - Add to auto)
Hacked successfuly =)
Click below to download :